Depression aint the end of the world

by Jenipher   Apr 28, 2005

*wow i didn't think it was this long but please read and comment thanks*

I know it may get tough
when thing go all wrong
when you cry yourself to sleep at night
or cut yourself to ease the pain

i know that it takes away the pain
but is it worth it to scar your body
when it only takes away the pain for a few minutes
and a scar is forever

i know when it gets bad
that you think about leaving
that the thoughts you have in your head
are about the way that you could die

i know that you pretend to be something your not
that you put on fake smile
and you laugh to cover your cry
and that your pretending to be OK

i know you think it will never get better
that your days will only get worse
that you will never be happy again
and you feel like death is the only way out

i know that it can get better
that things will turn around
and some day you Will be OK again
you don't have to take your life

i know all this because i tried
i know what its like to be depressed
and having no one understand me
or why i did the things i use to do

i know if you want to get better you go to put in some effort
that you cant just wish for it to all go away
and the next day you will be fine
it just don't work that way

i know its not going to be that easy
but you have your family and or friends
ask them for advice on what you should do
don't just assume that they cant help you

i know if you try to take your life
that something could go wrong
its not going to be painless
and then you got your family all scared for you
thinking about you everyday
wondering what they did wrong

i know you probably don't believe me
but think ahead before you do anything dumb
think about how you can get better
think about the consequences
and think about the people who love and care for you
think about how there going to feel

i know rite now it may not be easy
that you just don't think you will make it
but try and get help
never give up

plz comment n rate or whatever


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  • 18 years ago

    by babyluv213

    i really love that poem..i cut..and it gave me hope that maybe someday somehow i'll be ok

  • 19 years ago

    by Ashlee Nicole

    Girl I'm so proud of you...And this message is short..Because I wrote a really long one before...And i accidently said the F word..Then when I backspaced it was gone...But I"M CRYING I"M SO HAPpy FOR YOU!