My Eulogy

by Kyle   Apr 29, 2005

If i was gone tomorrow, would i be missed?
When i am gone and my name is on St. Peter's list,
I want people to go on with their lives as normal,
A simple tribute will do, nothing formal.
if i was gone tomorrow, would i be satisfied,
Would i have accomplished something before i died?
Have I made an influence in anyone I've met?
Did i change someone's life before in the ground i am set?
If one person is better because of me,
If only for a minute a smile i did see,
Then i believe that it was worth all the time i was here,
And i hold in my heart all my friends close and dear.
If i was gone tomorrow, would people even care?
Would they even notice that i was not there?
I know some people would not be upset about me
Those people, at my funeral i would not see.
If no one was there, I would be sad,
But in a way, i would be glad.
I don't want anyone to be sad that i am not here,
I don't want them to be sad or even shed a tear.
I want to see them with a smile on their face,
And not to see sadness in this case,
I just want them to be happy that they knew me,
And for them to know that i am finally set free.
I will still be around anyhow,
Even though they cannot see me now.
I'll still be here to help heal hearts,
Maybe now i can stop the pain before it starts.
So do not be sad that i have gone away,
Because in your heart, I will stay.
As long as you continue to believe,
there is no real reason to grieve.
I'll still be around somewhere near,
And you can call on me, and ill be here.

Tell me what you all think of this. It's one of my first poems. Thanks.


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  • 19 years ago

    by Hillary

    hey that was an awsome poem you wrote kyle.. and thanks for the comment you left on my poem "Still Not Sure" that really ment alot to me.. keep writting hun!

  • 19 years ago

    by Alissa

    wow!! that was really good! it made a lot of sense, it all ryhmed and went together yeah I give you 5 good job keep it up * Lissa =)