Took a chance

by Lenee.Roca   May 4, 2005

This is about a girl who was at my school and i became her friend.. this is true

she lives in a world
that no one understands
everyone thinks she's a stoner

she looks like one
acts like one
but really she's not

in school she is the quiet one
sits in the corner by herself
she has no friends

one day i was bored in class
she sat behind me
i turned around and smiled

she smiled back
i asked her questions
i answered them too

she asked are we friends?
i said do you want to be?
she said yes and i did too

i sat with her
my friends ignored me
she was a new person

people made fun of us
as we walked down the hall
we walked on and laughed

she was a totally different person
than the way she looks
she is as sweet as an apple

she is hard on the outside
but soft on the inside
she was so happy the day i talked to her

i was too
i saved her she said
from meeting her death

i am her best friend
she is mine
people are starting to except her now

i was brave to talk to her
but really she's the brave you
to take a chance on someone like me

we are the total opposite
but i guess opposites attract
i believe it now.. do you?

me and this girl are best friends.. we both took a chance to get to know each other.. i love her to death! we talk about everything and she understands me like i understand her..


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