The Facade

by MeLiSsA   May 16, 2005

I used to put on a fake smile.
I used to act like everything was fine.
But no one... but me...
Knew exactly how I felt at that time.
It was a time when nothing more could bother me.
I was numb... to the world...
And to myself.
I was happy and fine to everyone.
It seemed as if nothing was getting to me.
But it was all a facade...
It was like a mask I wore, not only over me...
But over my heart.
I really felt so hurt deep down inside.
Nothing began to matter... at all.

When I would sit all alone...
Is when the tears would appear.
Because I was keeping so much inside,
I learned how to pretend I was happy,
When I really wasn't.

Sometimes I put on the same act.
Sometimes I just want to sit alone and cry
Until no tears are left in me.
To cry out all the pain in my heart
Because I'm deprived.
And I can't tell the one I love,
He wouldn't understand...

There's just things I have to deal with... ON MY OWN.


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