I Love You More Than Anything or Anyone

by Befriended By The Blade   May 20, 2005

Friends forever, I thought we’d be
I knew your thoughts, I knew your needs
We were identical, we were like one
But nothing can fix the damage that’s done
You kept saying it wouldn’t tear us apart
Look at me love, this breaks my heart
You said you wouldn’t leave me
Because we’ve been through too much
But friendships die, in the blink of an eye
And then someone is left hurt
It has to be either you or I

It’s me this time, I knew it all along
This friendship we shared is now all gone.
We’ve lost more than friendship,
You were my girl,
Nikki, my love, you made my world twirl
We weren’t just friends, we were more
I have cried over you, my eyes are so sore,
I am crying now, I wish you could see
Just how much you mean to me
Nikki I love you and I mean every word
Don’t leave me Nikki, please don’t go
Well if you do, at least you will know…

Nikki maybe it isn’t friendship that we lost, but it sure feels like it. We are closer than anybody, and I love you with everything I have, I never felt like this before, I’ve never been so hurt by another person like this. Please Nikki, please listen to what I am trying to tell you hear! Listen to what I am saying, don’t just read the words…listen to them…
I Love You

Jordan Smith(Your Love)


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