
by quick&painless   May 26, 2005

He made a few jokes
and said he had to go.
I begged him to stay,
but he just said no.

Something wasn't right
but I didn't know what.
So instead of arguing
I just gave up

as he pulled away
a tear dropped down
he gave me a sweet smile,
I gave him a frown

He was my brother,
we'd always been close.
Through all our tough times,
back when my father hit us both.

We never fought.
He was like my best friend.
Never had I thought
that this would be the end...

I watched his car
until I couldn't see it anymore.
That's when I broke down
and dropped to the floor.

He was just going to a party,
it sure wasn't his first,
but i couldn't help but feel
tonight would be the worst.

I was awoken that night,
with a call from my mom.
she said she was at the hospital,
I should come quick, but stay calm.

He had had just one
drink too much,
sped through a light going 90,
car got flipped by a truck.

I shook so bad,
I could barely drive.
all i could do,
was pray he was still alive.

When I finally got to his room,
I gasped in horror at what I saw.
His beaten, mangled body lying there,
I just stared in awe.

When he saw me standing there,
he motioned to me to come near.
His voice was so quiet and raspy
I could barely hear.

He took my hand in his,
It was shaky and col.
He struggled to speak,
I told him to be bold.

Before he could speak,
his heart just stopped.
I screamed no,
and to the floor I dropped.

He was all I had left,
and now he was no more.
I couldn't stand it any longer,
I went on home and locked to door.

Sitting there,
I thought about my life.
Thinking about him,
I reached for the knife.

I held it to my chest,
aimed right at my heart.
I was ready to die,
it was my time to depart.

I plunged the knife through my chest,
started to bleed,
once again we were reunited,
just my brother and me...


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