Life so limp

by if i told it wouldnt be a secret   Jun 12, 2005

I thought it would be cool
when i found that certain tool
it would feel so great
not caring about fate

just doing what i do
until that nite we played pool
i felt a little sick
but just blew it off like a tick

then it went dark
as i imagined i was at the park
we were all having fun
then came the sun

it wasn't until that night
wen i started to feel lite
that my dreams wouldn't come true
i guess i kinda knew

then Tim took my hand
as we walked into the sand
it felt as though i would be all rite
but guess again


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  • 19 years ago

    by sarah

    you have good poems and your endings on them are like really kool they leave the person reading it in a state of Question that is so neat

  • 19 years ago

    by Marjan

    hey, wonderful job. I really loved the way you wrote this one. great flow.
    one of your best I think.
    much love,

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