I Try To Believe

by Emma Carnage   Jun 14, 2005

I try to believe that humans are caring
That they are understanding
That they are open minded
That they are evolved
But I'm proven wrong all the time
Nearly everyday

We have freedom of religion
But that doesn't mean people will accept you
I try to say that I have no religion
That I am not an Atheist
And I am not Agnostic
But when people learn I don't believe in God
They sometimes think I'm a Satanist
But how can this be so
When I don't believe there is a devil?

I'm forced to say the Pledge nearly everyday
No one cares to think of the non-believers
They don't understand that it's offensive
"One nation under God"
I'm fine with your religion
But why make me say it?
It's a double edged sword
If I don't say it then I'm against the United States
If I do then I'm not supporting my beliefs

It's just a simple opinion
But people get so worked up
There's no proof either way
Who's to say who's right and wrong?
You're not wrong in my eyes
Yet I can't share my ideas with you
I give up on the human race
If we can't evolve enough to accept these differences
Then there's no hope for world peace
I give up on us all


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