His Portrait

by Kisa   Jun 19, 2005

I watched intensely
as he killed himself.
I did not want to stop him
It's his decision to make.

I know sometimes life is painful
and death is easier,
and so I felt myself betray him.

I helped him kill.
I cried as I saw his body limp.
I didn't know what a big mistake
I made.

The choice was mine.
I have given him death and freedom but I also took away his life.

I didn't know how to say goodbye
but I knew he had to leave.
I couldn't stand seeing his eyes
any longer.

I closed them gently but rough.
I gave him my final farewell.
A kiss that would change me.

He taught me everything I needed to know.
The words he wanted to hear poured from my lips.
I told him I love him.

He answered knowingly and kissed away my tears.
He gave me everything I needed and now I have taken away his everything.

I heard him say his last final words.

"I love you and thank you. You are my everything. I don't want to loose you but I also don't want to live. I'm deeply sorry my everything will be taken from me."

I cried all night thinking. It was my fault he died.
Everyone watched as I was killed.
A gun pointed at my heart.

The trigger ready to fire
and so I die finally with my everything.


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  • 18 years ago

    by JLT

    I love the poem.. Love the emotions.. Keep up the good work sweets..*hugs*
