Opening and closing doors

by stacey   Jun 20, 2005

I love my life
Because of my bran new wife

A door opened, January 13 is the exact date
This door was our destiny it was our fate

It was officially our first day being husband and wife
And I couldn't wait to get started on our bran new life

But it suddenly came to a screeching halt.
Why do i feel like this is all my fault?

That phone call was the longest three minutes of my life
and all they said was " I'm sorry something horrible has happened to your wife

When I got to the hospital and saw the look on her face
My heart started beating a different tune it was like this deep loud bass

My heart felt soar
I felt God closing our open door

I couldn't have stopped it even if I tried
Hold on baby please dont die
They'll do their best to keep you alive

When they finally let me in the room
The doctor said she is to weak,
She can not talk,
She can not walk,
She will never be able to move

In order for her to stay alive shell have to be fed through a tube
Instead of a spoon

"She is a vegetable"

This word stuck to me like glue repeating itself over and over and over again
How could this happen our life just began

We could pull the cord its all up to you
Ill be right back decide what it is you will do

The doctor will be back soon
And I haven't yet decided what it is Im going to do

What she wants I'll never know
Why must I make this decision all on my own

The doctor walked in and asked have you made up your mind?
I said yes with a heavily sigh
This would be so much easier if I was the one to die

I decided to pull the cord
The preacher walked in and said a prayer to the lord

But before the doctor pulled the cord he said just because she can't reply
Doesn't mean shes not alive..
I'm sure your heart is soar
but you just closed an open door


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  • 18 years ago

    by sad-taurus

    OMG! That's so sad... Stay strong, maybe that was her destiny, to get married before she died. great poem. I hope everything turns out alright with you. 5/5