Why did you leave...

by Kinkz89   Jun 25, 2005

When I needed you the most...
You where never to be found...
When I needed a helping hand...
You were never around...

But you said you would be there...
But you didn't care...

When I needed a friendly smile...
You weren't there...
When I needed comfort...
You were no where...

But you said when I needed you...
You'd be there

When I cried and needed a shoulder...
You were gone...
When I would lay by my self and wanted you there...
You were next to some one else....

When I felt empty and lost...
You just left...
When I felt all alone...
You became a mess...

But now I understand...
You were never honest...
You were never a man...
You were just a lost little boy..

Inside You didn't know what you wanted...
Or who you wanted...
And for that you hurt me...
You killed me inside...

You lied...
You broke your promises...
You never meant the things you said...
Your nothing but a lier...a cheater...and most of all...A little boy...


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  • 16 years ago

    by Freedom

    This poem straightly goes to my favorites :) nice job