She lost the fight, one cold dark night.

by Dani   Jul 4, 2005

One cold dark night,
Out for a walk.
Down the road to the park,
Sat on the swing.
I needed some air,
Some time alone.

But i didn't know i wasn't alone,
It was cold and wet.
But I'll never forget.
That night,
That i lost that fight.

I'll tell you a story only told by me,
Something that happened to a girl when she was 13.

One dark, and cold night,
She left her home after a fight.
She needed some room,
To settle her gloom.
She walked down to the park,
Where it was dark.
And sat down to think.

Before to long it got late,
So she gathered up her hate.
She got up and turned around,
Only to see a dark ground.

The she felt a cold hand across her mouth,
The next thing she knew she wasn't in the park, but in a house.
She lie on the floor,
The opened, a door.
A figure walked in.

He kicked her head,
And tore her shirt and the threads.
He took out a knife,
And made a slice.
Through her thought.

That night she died,
No one cared.
All because of her parents lies.
And no one shared.

When her parents found out,
They had no doubt.
They didn't care,
neither share.


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