To Be A Lecturer

by samuel   Jul 4, 2005

I will not be a lecturer -
No sir!
To be a lecturer
Is to serve an ambivalent lord,
The government.
I sweat to prepare my notes,
I task my students,
Expect them to put in their best,
Hope to get rewarded
At least financially -
The government looks at me
And makes countless promises.
They talk and keep tongue in cheek
I know they like to talk
Long, fine speeches
Of course meaning nothing,
But when action is demanded
There is no help, no support.
I am fed up with the government
And the system
That chokes education;
When will we be like even
A fellow third world nation,
In educational excellence?


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  • 17 years ago

    by Robie Lincer

    Well this poem was okay!
    i rated it a 3/5
    u can do much better