Tear Drops

by Amanda Martin   Jul 6, 2005

Tear drops
Faster and faster
Not stopping
Just pouring and pouring
Without any end
They slowly soak my shirt
But they still pour
Never going to stop
Until I see your face and those beautiful brown eyes
Staring at me with concern
Then you slowly...very slowly
Kiss them all away
And the tear drops...
Are no longer falling down my face
But dripping down in my soul
Because I have to hide my love for you
Inside my battered and bruised heart

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  • 18 years ago

    by Amanda Martin

    Love lots couz!!! love always your best fan, gladys

  • 18 years ago

    by Tearful Poet

    I know what it's like to hide the love you have for someone. I don't know that there's anything harder. Good job.