When we fight #2.;

by Silouette Dreams   Jul 8, 2005

You call me a biotch
Now you claim you're sorry
I'm confused honey
What's your story
You say you wish to go back in time
When you called me names
Then you made fun of me
Hun, that's a crime
I do one thing without you
When you do lots with Brie
You claim I hate you
She's the sock and I'm the shoe
So now you shouldn't have to change
And I should like you
The way you are
Well if you want to keep fighting
That's what we'll do
But that won't help anyone
So for me it's hard
I have two choices
Either not be friends
Or be miserable with you
I'll pick what's best for ME
For once it's not about YOU
Wow that doesn't happen much
You lost my trust
And my respect


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