Be Happy

by Weeping Wolf   Jul 8, 2005

let your radiance shine
from your beautiful soul
your laughter a tropical rain
Washing away all your pain

they say "no worries, be happy"
And why not? step free.
Be who you wanna be

Use you integrity and wisdom
give a blind person 20-20 vision
Even if u don't change the world
Try to at least make a dent

Spinning round n round
No, the world ain't slowing down..
so why should you?

Ya, no worries be happy
and be who you wanna be.


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  • 18 years ago

    by Margaret

    Thats a good poem but I would like more examples like making a blind man 20/20, and making a deaf man hear and etc.etc. just a thought, great poem 4/5