Things will never be the same

by christina   Jul 9, 2005

Things will never be the same without you
now that you're out of my life, all i do is think about you
i see you more of a friend and now I'm sad
that you're not here with me anymore and you was all i ever had
being around you had made me feel touched
now that you're gone , i have missed you so much
we've done so many things that brought me joy
we are compatible in so many ways that i don't want it be destroyed
things have changed and you had changed my life
we had bonded a lot and now i can't get you out of my mind
i have gotten so close to you that i wouldn't want to change what i feel
because what i feel isn't surreal
you've been there for me through thick and thin
and it's you i want to be with till the end
you became so special, so special in my heart
that since you left, i feel like this bond we had has broken apart
I'm afraid to lose you because you're the best thing that has happened to me
it has gotten to the point where it's you that i need
because what i feel for you is more than words can explain
because without you near me all i feel is pain
i need you back, and that's the case
because without you there's nothing left for me to embrace
i see you have moved on and i do understand
that i won't be the next one to hold your hand


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  • 18 years ago

    by christina

    hehe...thanks alot.your talented yourself...and some of them are true and yes...bein sad is no fun at all. but your poems are way better than mines...hehe so yea.