His death wish

by Amanda   Jul 14, 2005

Dear mom and dad
I hate the life I had
I'm writing this to you
To let the pain come through
I am a depressed teen
If only you saw what I have seen
If only you can hear, what I have heard
You would only think I am being obscured
Beating me was something, Daddy enjoyed
Bubba followed in your footprints and did the same when he became annoyed
The violence was so loud
Daddy, now, are you proud?
Yelling at me was something mommy loved to do
So, tell me, what's new?
Tell my best friend, I'm gonna miss the S.O.B.
And that I'm sorry I'll never see him and his girl get "hitched"
Please tell my girl
No matter what, I'll always love her
It's not her fault I wanna die
She's the person, who's hardest to say goodbye
This is my death with and I hope you follow through
The reason I killed myself was because of you!


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