I Am Cut So Deep

by wellthoughtoutwords   Jul 21, 2005

I'm cut deep inside;
bleeding where no one can see.
And as I walk through life without you,
the deeper the cuts become.
The pain is numbing.
I can't feel anything.
I'm cold and hardened;
crying so much that there's nothing left.
Suddenly I feel your touch.
It hits me like a lightning blot, setting fire to my soul.
My cuts burn in agony, I feel my flesh tear open.
You slowly draw me closer, knowing the pain in my heart.
I want to push away but you are the only one who can heal my wounds.
So I hold onto you, screaming in pain, as you carefully stitch the pieces of my heart.
When I think I can't take anymore, you pull the last stitch.
I begin to cry and collapse in your arms.
You hold me closer then ever and stroke my hair.
I mumble nonsense, sobbing and whimpering, never wanting you to let me go.
You stand me up and take my hand.
I'm alive and free.

The cuts are finally healing, leaving ugly scars as reminders.
I never want to go back to what I was.
You saved my life...I will always love you.

OK so its long and not too good but please vote and comment!!


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