Random Notions of a Lover's Heart

by Samantha lynn   Jul 23, 2005

Why does the world
Spin on SUCH a small axis?
Making everything spin
Into this chaotic ramble
Of unfathomable notions
And impossible impossibilities to find pure love.
Why does fate
Bite you in the ass?
Dealing you cards you try,
No must -or else you'll fall
Into a self made hole of confusion
And die alone and lonely-
Work hard at understanding.
Otherwise life will slip by,
Unnoticed, unchanging, unappealing,
What is this tormenting,
Confusing, erratic, coy, emotion
Justly called love?
And why exactly does it take
The most sanely of sane minds
And make them, well, insane,
Sporadic if thoughts and ideas.
Focused on their hearts desire,
And then obsessed with knowing if their love-loves them back.
Sitting over coco puffs and fresh orange juice
Contemplating every word,
Every action,
Every touch of that one person,
Instead of focusing on that AP History report due first period.
The one that one begins with "during the course of history mankind has..."
And ends with the doily hearts
Stating undying love for ****.
You really didn’t't think
I'd let you in on it?
God that's just like love-
Being so damned intruding on life!
Is it too late to ask for Barbie and Ken to get back together?
Can I go back to 4th grade when I was still too innocent,
And just found out what sex was?
That'd be perfect-
Then maybe love wouldn’t make my mind wander so much,
And I could remember the point of what I was writing.


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