Genuine Genius

by Dayne   Jul 29, 2005

"some college dude really gets into my nerves... yeah I envied him... but somehow I thought I was luckier because a limitless wisdom can get you somewhere"^^

It makes sense to witness your downfall,
Now I know I won’t compete again,
Against you whom I envied most,
Your flowing wisdom that beats my brain.

You’re a blast on our school days,
Unbelievable prowess of a young one,
A Mr.-Knows-It-All, everyone calls you,
But your faith and belief are gone.

Black book and drugs have devoured you,
And a sudden change in your personality,
You’ve went through a wrong alleyway,
You’re a new product of profanity.

For once I’ve tried boarding the same flight,
But not the direction you’ve underwent,
I just want the living genius inside,
But a failure of a fool I’m meant.

You’ve wasted the gift from above,
You see your sole sky so gray,
If only God knows where to put his grace,
To use it in a better way.

Would I laugh to see you’re down?
To know others see you as their foe?
But still I can’t deny the painful truth,
You’re still the undefeated genius I know.

Now I wish I can lead you somewhere,
Like a saviour to break your shell,
And one day I’ll expect the heartfelt thanks,
For pulling your hand that once dipped in hell.

Today I’m changing the role I couldn’t succeed,
I’m no genius but for once I’ll try,
I’ll help the man I admit I’ve revered,
And I’ll listen as you repent and cry.

"umm... but no... he hasn't cried yet...^^"


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