Get it Streight

by Laura   Jul 29, 2005

Why is it so hard
For you to get it streight
That what I want
Is not up for debate
You say you'll change
And then it's "oh, I forgot"
I'm tired of all the excuses you give
I'm tired of the life you want me to live
I'm not you're little girl anymore
I have a mind of my own
But every time I disagree
You get that horrible tone
Your faces scrunches up
And turns bright red
But I can never forget
The horrible things you said
I'll never forget
The look in your eyes
They seemed so cold
I almost wanted to cry
What could I have done
To make you act this way?
I hope you know that every night
I kneel down and pray
I pray for God to come to my bed
And Carry me far away
Because even though I hate to go
I can't stand to stay
I can't stand to wake up
And see your face once more
I can't stand to see your face
I just want to slam the door
But you won't ever let me
You've pushed me to the end


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