Lookin in the wrong places

by Liz Suffecool   Aug 1, 2005

I keep looking every where for the one that will make my smile shine
the one who will love me who will only be mine

I think I keep over looking him because I consider him just friend
but hes the one that will be there if I really want someone in the end

I know who he is and he knows who I am hes everything I'm looking for
and everything more

I keep realizing with each passing day
that hes everything I want and everything I need hes special to me in every way

I'm just afraid to hang on and not want to let him go
because I love him so much and he barely even knows

He's the best friend I could have ever wanted and need
He's loved me for so long with not expecting anything in return he loves me without greed

I don't know why it took me so long to realize he is what makes my heart beat
the one that cares for me and when things get tough he doesn't run hes right here with me

no matter what hes always here for me
no matter what just to help me through and help me to see

that I love him so much more then anything I ever knew
and with him moving I just don't know what to do


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  • 18 years ago

    by Michelle

    thats really good... i went through the same thing, but niether one of us wanted to ruin the friendship, i totally regret it now!... i'm sorry he's moving, but if he's as good of a friend as you describe him as, you'll stay in touch. lots of love...

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