Your nothing now

by {Ms. Felicia}   Aug 3, 2005

I never meant to hurt you
Didn’t mean to make you fall
I never said you were worth nothing at all

You always take what I say
And twist and turn it around
It’s only yourself you’re hurting

You’re the one that was left behind
Laying helplessly on the ground
Full of dirt and grime

There is nothing left that I can do
Cause every time I try to help
You always try to bring me down to

I will not fall to the ground
I will not put myself that far down
I cannot go to my knees for you

Not one word or please will do
Nothing is left that I need
You’re nothing now to me

Take your crying somewhere else
Im tired of your selfishness
Im done trying to help

You can only help yourself
That is all you have left
You started this all
Now finish it.


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  • 18 years ago

    by FlowerThatDied

    I like the person your writing this to or its how I feel nice blatent write - intense keep it up plz comment and vote on some of mine