Listen for HIS voice

by applecheeks   Aug 14, 2005

Sometimes in life the things we want are so far out of reach and other times they are closer than we know. Sometimes were waiting to hear the voice of God but were too busy listening to our own thoughts we cannot hear his answer. Sometimes were complaining about how life isn’t fair, while really we are so well off but we are so spoiled by our luxuries that we get self-absorbed and cannot see the riches we are lavished with. Sometimes we want things so badly in life that we forget to ask our Creator if its part of his plan and we spend our time in fruitless efforts trying to achieve what isn’t even in the plans for our lives. Then other times we are so laid back and easy going that we miss out on the opportunities the Lord has given. We are too tired, too stressed, too focused on SELF that the opportunity passes us by, it stares us in the face, but we are blinded by our ignorance, our lack of motivation and the unwillingness to search. All we need is Christ, but we try to feel up our lives with careers, materials, cravings, lusts, hobbies, people, love, sex, and money, even religion. We miss the point and fail to see the bigger picture, which is God. People can’t deal with the simplicity of God’s love and how easy it is to obtain. The human race is constantly trying to win God over by deeds, and actions and by being good. All the while they are missing the mark for none of us are good, no one is capable of fulfilling righteousness on his or her own. It’s impossible for us to be good or to enter into a relationship with the Creator without first going to the Cross-to be cleansed. There you will find the holy blood of the Lamb which will wash over you and cleanse you from the inside out, filtering all the filth and sin and selfishness away, stripping us bare and renewing us with a new creation. It’s not until then that we can see how the whole picture comes together and then we finally see. We finally realize that all we ever did was never going to be good enough. Without Christ in our lives we are simply wanderers without direction. We are the blind leading the blind. We are slaves to the enemy, the roaring lion, the Son of darkness who is lingering at every corner of your life. He is there in the marriage that is falling apart. He is in the heated arguments, the hurtful words that pierce the very soul of the ones you love. He is in disguise so you won’t recognize him. He is deceit, lies and temptation. On the outside he looks attractive, that is what pulls you in, but be careful and be watchful, or the danger that lies ahead will be more than you can bear. He is cunning and crafty, he knows your weaknesses and feeds off them, he is never satisfied with just a little he wants the whole thing. So listen carefully to the voice that you were once so busy to take the time to listen to. For that voice is your saving Grace. Once you realize that you are not in control of your destiny, and then you can finally be free. After all who wants to be in bondage. No one! So stop, slow down, take time to listen. Listen to the voice of God. He is calling your name. You just have to take the time to listen.


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