Final Grasp

by *Katie*   Aug 14, 2005

This is it, our moment of truth,
I cannot express in words what hell we have been through.
The harsh knock upon the door
Their heel-clad footsteps banging loudly against the floor
The cruel whispers as they look down upon me
That glint in their eye that says,
'How can she look after that baby, at only fifteen.'
But i vow to prove them wrong
For you are why I breathe
At only five months old
There's no way you will be stolen from me.
My precious little boy
Oblivious to the world
Unsure of why there's a strange lady towering over you threateningly.
I hold you so tightly
And you gurgle and smile at me
You know that I'm your mummy
And you know that that's your daddy
Clinging on to me.
They say it is not over
Their inquiries will go on
But I tell you, you daddy and I
Will never let you go
Because we love you so much my baby
I swear, we will NEVER let you go.


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