The one..

by Kevin   Aug 19, 2005

Your Heart, reminds me of a flower.
Yet, so pure and full of love.

I have never met you in person..
Yet you have been able to show me what true love is.
You have taught me so much.
I have so many feelings for you, yet I have never met you.
I feel that meeting you, and being their to hold you would solve all of my life's problems.
A life without you, just.. cannot seem to exist in my mind.
To live the rest of my life without ever meeting you, would forever mean a missing piece to my life.
One which no other person can fill.

To take your hand, into mine.. seems like it would mean falling in love again every time.
I have learned so much from you without even meeting you.. I never thought this was possible.

I will be forever thankful for the conversations that we have had.
Even if I never meet you, I will always love you, and you will never loose your place in my heart to another.

I feel as if I have found the one person, that my soul forever desires.
Even if I am forever without you, no person will change that.

Being together, I see a life so perfect no one, and nothing can change that.
A life of witch I will always look forward to coming home from work just to be with you.
That day we meet might come soon or far from now, but for now I have to wait.
The love that I feel is so strong, not to wait would mean something so pure & amazing.. lost for the rest of my life.
So until that day comes or does not, please don't ever forget about me.

If that day never comes, just know that.. I will forever love you.
And I hope that you will never forget about me, you mean more to me then anything else in my life ever will.
Remember that you will never be forgotten in my mind, and.. you will "ALWAYS" have a place in my heart to come back to.


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