You were

by itsalyssaxmmm   Aug 24, 2005

I have been lying to myself about you,
I say i don\'t love you, when i obviously still do.
I cant believe you walked away,
after all we have been through why couldn\'t you stay?
After opening my heart to you,
why did you take it and rip it in two?
You were my first true love,
you were my angel sent from above.
I thought that you were the only one for me.
now i can see that we were never meant to be.
sometimes i wish that we could start again,
then i wonder why we had to begin.
you were the one who brightened up my night,
you were the only one in my sight.
you were my sun my moon my everything,
and you were the one who left the sting.


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  • 18 years ago

    by Desirae

    I really love your poems! Most of them sound like how I feel about my ex-boyfriend! I really love them could be a real poet...keep writing! Your Awesome

  • 18 years ago

    by Tom Swart

    Wow !! Such sweet passion - the pains of love are fresh and the wounds of our understanding that love are badges that line our hearts!!! keep up the good writes bud,, nice