Ask for help but do not recive it

by corrina   Aug 25, 2005

This is a poem to my old friend

every time i would try to help you
you would push me away
every time i was correct about something
you got very jealous
i tried to teach you everything i know
you would turn it down
i do not know why you are acting this way
your excuse was you were growing up
playing little childish games twords other people is called growing up
leaving your best friend
or who thought they were your best friend
for other people
you were not like this before
i am older than you
i know a lot more about life
you were just jealous
we use to write letters to each other everyday
until you say you GREW UP
you do not know what growing up is about
nor do you know what life is about
you have a car cool ok
you have a job thats fine
but do you really want to become like your parents
working everyday just to put food on the table
why do not you slow down
enjoy life before it becomes complicated
you have changed
your excuse for that was
that i was to negative
i was only negative because
everything you did was the wrong thing
you told me
please do not let me be wrong again
i told you
but oh wait that was to negative
you asked me]
i told you the consequences
you did it anyways
one thing that haunts my mind
when you become pregnant and on welfare
who is going to be there for you
your new friends wont be
they do not want someone who has to dedicate their time into someone other than them
how am i wrong
i do not know everything
but i sure as hell know a lot more than you will ever know


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