One split may ruin a life

by BloodScars   Aug 27, 2005

I thought all the weight
was lifted off once again
i thought that i was better
and life was about to begin

i was soring high
on no emotion at all
i was proud of who i was
that nothing could make me fall

i was running low
on anger and pain
i was trapped in a would
that never would it rain

i called upon happiness
searched myself so i could find it
i had so much fun being who i was
but then they had to split

i hold myself accountable
on the way they are
if i wouldn't have done this
for that never ending star

so once again
the world comes crashing down on me
so once again
i will have to make myself set free

as i breakdown and cry
with no emotion left
its hard to carry on
when there nothing to hold onto

my secrets are kept safe
within my broken soul
the emptiness is there
spinning in that never ending hole

so where will i go now
in this quest to find out
I'm screwed either way
in both of the route's


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  • 19 years ago

    by *heidi;

    Good poem. keep it up! plz comment on mine