The great act

by pirateRAWRR   Aug 31, 2005

And for all the months I’ve known you
For all the memories we share
For all the laughter you brought me
You still don’t even care

To you I am nothing
Just like every other heart
You stole throughout this game
I am just another
Victory and defeat
In the end, to you it’s all the same

I thought this time it was different
That you weren’t that kind of guy
That you were going to love me
And that I was going to try

I tried my hardest for you
Fought our battles with all I had
But baby boy you know this time
I’m just too weak to fight
And in a way I’m glad

For I knew it would just be
Like every time before
You’d say I’m sorry
I never meant to hurt you
But then you would just turn around
And slowly watch me fall

Behind my back
You’d find somebody new
But God help me
If I ever even thought
Of doing that to you

Our love was nothing more
Than a game board
Of swords and lies
You tried everything you could
To get me to love you
And now I just don’t know why

You left me torn and broken
Hurt and confused
My emotions
Thanx to you
Were left a mess
And left abused

But through all the heart ache
There are still many lessons I learned
You taught me the truth all too well
And I see the truth within your lies

You loved the way I couldn’t stop you
From hooking up with someone else
You loved the way I didn’t mind
Because I couldn’t tell
You loved the way I believed you
Like every girl before
Most of all you loved the fact
It didn’t take me that long to fall

You were a great actor
I will give you that
But as you can tell
I saw through your bloody great act
You never thought I would have
But soon came the day I did
And I bet your crying now
Your the one left confused
Your heart broken
Your emotions abused

No one thought I had
The strength nor courage to watch you fall
But look out now the cliff is bracking
And I’ll be the one standing tall
Amonug it all
Being strong cause you were wrong

And there is not a day
I do not regret
Sitting back and watching you go
For as far as I can tell
We never really new each other very well
And that a true love we did not share

So you see that’s why it was so easy
To sit back and watch you go
For I wasted all my yesterdays on you
So for you now my tomorrows a no go zone

I will not sit up
One more night and cry
For you I gave my all
And the night I said farewell
I know just that you saw

Now you will be the one who will sit up and wonder
Remembering me when you here it thunder
You will be the one to regret it all
Not being able
To catch me when I fall

So now I shall continue
Without you by my side
Its now my turn to put on the great act
And in it I shall hide

And if one day
Our paths are set
To cross once again
For some reason
I pray and pray
That the act will slowly fade away

I pray each and every night
To be back within your sights
For the great act to come undone
For you to see through my facade
So we can be together once again

***the spell check thinG wOuldnt wOrk sOo yer i jus added it tO slanG pOems =] ***


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  • 18 years ago

    by Torn

    That was great... i loved painted a picture!!!
    great work thanks so much for the comment, it means so much...check out my latest poem... "Why didn't i do it"..please!!!
    take care hun x x x