by Liz   Sep 1, 2005

Next month it will have been a year
Since you past away
That a full night
I thought u were just sleeping
But little did i know you'd died
And u were no longer among the living
After u said I love u and goodbye
I thought their was more time
But little did I know
God thought you were ready,to move on
And be with him in heaven
Where you could watch us grow
But never be here
With us
Where we need you most
But I guess it was your time
At least u said goodbye
I will never forget the tears, i cried that night
I know now it wasn't just a dream
Living with the truth
Knowing you'll never say happy birthday
But you'll always be in my heart
I will forever treasure that doll, you gave me on my 12th birthday
Oh how I miss you, your hairy, scratchy face
When u came to wake me up in the morning
I'd give almost anything to see Your face
Oh how I miss you being their in the morning
Or when you came home from work
Running out the door screaming daddy's home
Gone from me is where he is
Never to return
Forever from this day lost in heavens eyes
Lost from sight and touch
But never from memories
I'd give almost anything for him to scream at me, and make me cry
Cause at least he'd be alive
He'll never see me have kids, or be their when I get married
I'll only have one dad to walk me down the ail
To give me away
Watch me throw the bouquet
Oh how I wish you were here
To make me go to bed
So i wouldn't be tired in the morning
To make me breakfast
And tell your stupid jokes
If only you hadn't passed away
Then maybe life would be different


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