This one's just for you

by Avrii Monrielle   Sep 3, 2005

You've always stuck through with me in tough times
I know how hard it is to keep up with life
My tears are always blessed with your love of me
I wish I could help you get stronger
Maybe we can do karate some time,
But kung fu is way cooler...
But anyway,walking down the isle...
Wow we have a runner...

I just want you to know
You are my soul inspiration
When I'm alone
And can't find a reason

I cherish you
With all my might
And if you were to go
Out of my sight
I would probably never see you again
I'd die slowly from missing my friend
But I'm thankful you were born
And I'm glad you know me
Because without you
I wouldn't have a picture to see
But you're mine,my everlasting hope
The greatest gift given was to have you
And if I never knew you
I wouldn't know what to do
You're always close to me
No matter what anyone else says
My heart will beat only knowing you're safe
In my grasp
For you are like my family
If you aren't already
Because to me you seem related
Your mind thinks closely by me
And I appreciate your hard work
That pulls me ever closer
Keeping up with it
Going wherever knows where
But I'm proud of you
No matter what you could do
Because I know you're here for me
And I'm here for you....
Well,I think you know who you are.
This one's just for you....


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