Who is there for me?

by maya   Sep 4, 2005

When i'm sad,
who is there to comfort me?
when i cry,
who will wipe my tears for me?
when i 'm in pain,
who will kiss my pain away?
when i lose faith,
who will bring it back to me?
when i want to talk,
who will be my ears?
when there is noone,
then there is God
who will always be with you
within you, wherever you go.
but what if you've ignored him for awhile
maybe a long while
would he still listen and make it all better for you?
or will he just be there to watch you suffer in silence?


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  • 18 years ago

    by maya

    Ya thanx. i mean there are advantages of course. like i dun have to sare loads of things. but the poem is jez so on the moment kind wen i was feelin so down. do rate my poem aite?

  • 18 years ago

    by maya

    Well being the only child has its disadvantages... even though you have frenz its aint the same as having your own siblings to share gd n bad tymes. thus there is this poem. written by me wen i'm feelin horrible drown in tears in ma own room feelin all lonely. haiz...