Katrina's Curse

by Weeping Wolf   Sep 7, 2005

You were only 5 I was only 8
When Katrina decided our fate

We walked through the waste
that once was our home.
Our dog limped out of the water
its fur was soaking in blood
There was nothing we could do
When we saw it fall lifelessly
into the water with the rest.
You were asleep-but i saw it.

Mommy and Daddy got swept away
They were choking from all the water and dust
Screaming for us...crying...
Before i could call back to them-
they were already gone.

I lifted you from your bed and carried you
through the hole where our door used to be.

It was so dark...the sky was crashing down on us.
I look around hopelessly...
but nothing moved except this new found river through our home.

Looking on, we watch the dead bodies float down the red river.
but some had sunk to the bottom.

We held hands, afraid one of us would sink into the mist.
Dust of the city filled our eyes with death.
Water...water everywhere...
But you were covered in not water, but tears.

Starving, you clutched your stomach wishing for the end.
My eyes lingered on the sky...
Helicopters flew, i waved me hands wildly...
You asked "Is that God coming to save us?"
As I watched them pass over us without a glance i said with a tearful voice...
"No...no, God cannot see us now."
Hope was lost, freedom was worse than doom.
I laid your dying heart down in the one dry place I could find- my arms.

You stayed with me all the while, never leaving even when your heart stopped beating.
After that, my tears didn't stop pouring down like rain.

Struggling to breathe, as the water filled my lungs...the last beautiful thing i saw was your forever sleeping eyes...

*Dedicated to all those who suffered and died from this disaster on earth*


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Latest Comments

  • 18 years ago

    by *~CaSsYa~*

    GREAT 1, much much betta than mine ;-) well neway, i hope this feeling gets to the ones who suffered from Katrina...

  • 18 years ago

    by JL

    Omg! this is magnifacent!! beautifully written!! there was an article in the paper the other day and it gave me hope. a six yr old boy lead 5 toddlers and his baby brother to safety!! it was so touching! keep up the good work! XXXXX

  • 18 years ago

    by Avrii Monrielle

    U kno since i actually -am- 3 yrs younger than you it makes me feel like i was there with you....