
by nikki @~~   Sep 7, 2005

Mommy can I tell you a secret?
Mommy, promise not to tell?
Daddy says don't say it.
Daddy'll hit and yell.

Mommy will you listen for a moment?
Put down the glass for a sec,
Mommy I'll tell you how,
your pretty vase got wrecked.

I know you think I broke it,
but I didn't, I didn't! I swear.
It got broke when Daddy was angry,
and sent me flying straight through the air.

I never fell off the bunkbed,
and Davie never fell off the step,
and Mommy I bet that cupboard door,
didn't give you that bruise on your forehead.

Mommy can I tell you a secret?
Will you promise not to say a word?
you have to whisper really quiet,
cuz Daddy'd be mad if he heard.

And Daddy's scary when he's mad,
and he's scary when he yells and he's loud.
and he hurts when we do things he says we shouldn't,
and there's so many things we're not allowed.

Mommy can I tell you a secret?
I know Davie's scared too,
he cries when Daddy's mad at us,
and even when Daddy's just mad at you.

Maybe even I cry sometimes,
maybe, if you promise not to tell.
I don't want Daddy to think I'm a baby,
he says I'm a crybaby when he yells.

Mommy can I tell you a secret?
Sometimes I'm loud, just so Davie won't get the worst,
Mommy I'll tell if you do,
please Mommy go first.


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  • 18 years ago

    by XxCrazy4youxX

    ~*OMG.....*BIG TEARS* that was so0o0o was such a great poem great work.....i loved it*~ XoXo