
by Perfect Failure   Sep 11, 2005

We all hate them,
When they suddenly come around
As soon as the teachers say,
Kids you've got an assignment
no one makes a sound

Everyone goes silent,
In hope that they miss herd
But when the teachers repeat it,
The sounds are absurd

And every single one I get,
The deal is always the same
I wont do it till the last day,
And then I get the blame

But its not my fault
I swear it isn't me
Its all my stupid brains fault
I feel the age of three

The teachers always say,
Wheres your work again
But I must admit my computer broke...
Is getting pretty lame

I'm still not going to work,
This poem is merely to say
Teachers stop handing out assignments,
And make every kids day

Because soon your might get,
A very painful practical test
When some body pops a cap down your ass,
It really ain't for the best

Assignments aren't needed,
Just give us all A+
We promise to get out of your hair,
Not even make a fuss

So in conclusion teachers,
Never say assignments due
Because mine will never be done,
And Ill probably say screw you

Yeah I know, not that good but its my first time at this sorter subject and I thought I might have a go, tell me what you think, I always love to know what you think of my work!


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