No one else to blame...

by Change   Sep 11, 2005

When he's got no one else to blame,
He turns to me,
When he needs to let off steam,
He turns to me.
Whenever he's angry, hurt or sad,
no matter the reason,
It's me that always seems to get mistreated!

He's knocked me so much,
My confidence is gone,
Much more of this and my life will be gone,
He drove people away,
and even to this day,
I wonder if I can continue to stay!

As tears are released,
my pen hits the paper,
Why is it when I'm sad,
I write so much better,
Maybe someday I'll have no need to write,
Maybe someday I will relax, No fights!
Wont have to worry about being blamed,
Being cursed or being shamed,
Everything so simple and plain,
No more little silly games!


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