You Don\'t Know Me

by k i k i   Sep 12, 2005

I know it doesn't seem that long,
Fifteen years of my life have past.
Growing from a little girl playing with dolls,
Into a rampaging teen, not knowing what to do.
Over time, I have become stronger,
Had to deal with this alone, that's how I am
Problems and fear,
I hold all within.
Friends try to help, but I shut them out,
It's me who has to work it out.
Chains bearing, making me sick,
I feel like a wreak, I'm so weak.

Tears won't stop falling,
I want you to hold me like you did before.
I know I can't do it, but if I ask for help,
I'll feel even worse.
No pain will let me feel better,
Cut of the blade, my only answer.

I know I can do it,
It just takes some time.
Overcoming the fear of being alone,
Without anyone by my side.
Too many scares from you has made me worse,
I don't know who I am.

Neither do you.


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