All Your Fault

by niko   Sep 24, 2005

*I know its long but please read it!*

I didn't come to school today
Did you even care?
Did you even notice
That I wasn't there?

If you did you probably assumed
I was sick or out of town
You would have never guessed
That in my blood I'm drowned

You made me stop my cuts
But when you left you made me start
So really it's all your fault
That I went and fell apart

Well it's been a week now
And you know somethings not right
You start asking around, just curious
But I'm off the radar, out of sight

The next day word gets around
About why I haven't been there
A few of my best friends are crying
Whispering, "Why isn't life fair?"

But you haven't been told yet
So when you ask them about me
They glare at you and tell you
That you're the reason I'm free

Their words are confusing to you
And you ask them what they mean
But they've tolerated you long enough
So you're left puzzled on the scene

You go through the day
Completely clueless of the hell I'm going through
If only you knew the state I'm in
Because of what you made me do

Well you see your friend crying over me
And ask her what the hell happened
She simply stares at you and says,
"Did you mean for it to be her end?"

She tells you how I was found on my floor
With my blood-covered blade beside me
I'd already been there for hours
There was no hope to be seen

My cold body was taken to the ER
And while they tried to make me like new
The doctor approached my family and said those killing words,
"There's nothing more I can do."

You stare at her in horror
As you come to the horrible realization
My fate was entirely your fault
And you were my only reason

I hope that now you get it
That screwing with my mind was wrong
You were the only one that could have saved me
But now it's your fault that I'm gone

*I know its a little over-dramatic but I'm surrounded by an over-dramatic world. Its mostly just to vent but please rate/comment!*


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