Health won't tear us apart

by x325xRunawayTrainx103x   Sep 27, 2005

I'm so nervous, i can't believe it's happening to you
Maybe it's just a thing or it could be stress too

I hope and pray that you don't have anything serious
If it is something threatening, I'll be so furious

How could this happen to someone as great as you
What if having something life threatening is true?

You're all that i need, you are my everything
we've been thru it, hell we've been thru anything

It's so hard to sit here and not cry
With the thought in my head that yeah, you can die

How can i stand here completely normal and still?
When you found the hole in my life to fill...

I run outside and scream to the sky
"Why does my life have a chance to die?"

No matter what though, I'll be by your side
Thru the tests and tears, i won't go and hide

I'm there to pick you up when you fall
Whatever time, if you have pain, you know who to call

It's time to breathe in
It's time for this to begin

I breathe out and follow my heart
I know that health won't tear us apart


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