The One

by In Love With No Hope   Sep 28, 2005

Your the one i want to be with
your the one i want to see
your the one i want forever baby
all i ask is please
don't tear my heart open
just know that its with you
forever and always baby
you'll be the only one for me,
for all eternity
theres no one else like you
your the one in the million
please listen to me when i talk
and please don't abandon me
don't think i lie, or cheat
like i know you think i do
your the one i see me with
now, don't you see it too?
you seem so perfect
how did i get you
or maybe, you got me
but either way I'm happy
for now know
ill have just a little longer with you
now thank you and goodbye
for this will be my final lie


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