Devils Queen

by {Ms. Felicia}   Sep 29, 2005

Blades on my wrist,
blood dripping down.
feel no pain, I'm nothing now.

Take me away from here,
take my life to hell,
lay me upon a bed of needles
all while the blood pours out.

Watch my eyes roll back behind,
the lifeless, worthless body of mine,
watch my skin turn to snow,
last breath goodbye, to hell i go.

Down to the bottom fire burning high,
the devil greets me as i float bye,
with the other sinners of suicide,
i lay there in rest, for my after life.

The devil gives me a throne,
upon with i sit,
now whats left of me is envies pit.

the devils queen iv become,
this is were i longed for,
before the blades touched my wrist.
So don't take pitty on me now, I'm in a peaceful bliss


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