Help me cope

by PunkRockToker   Oct 3, 2005

Daddy as you sit there, I can see that you're so sad
I find it so hard to cope with, the way you're lifes gone bad
You must make your way alone
And you have to make a new home
All I can say is I am hear
By your side, but full of fear
I'm scared of the loneliness all this brings
I'm afraid of the song that sorrow sings
The hate it eats me up inside
I'm scared of this situation, I want to hide
You shout at me, you shout at her
But we'll stay here because we care
I wish you could see all my pain
When I sit and let you scream again
I wish you'd stop being slefish long enough to see
That you need to stop, and not just for me
You need to move on, to move away
And find strength in things, and face the day
Coz daddy I love you, you should know that
Its just when you're hurt or angry you act like a tw@+
Daddy please help me find hope
Seeing you down makes it harder to cope


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  • 17 years ago

    by Kyleene

    I like this poem. It has a lot of emotion. Good job!


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