What Have You Done?

by Samantha   Oct 6, 2005

I thought you were the one I thought it would last I thought it was love but something whispered hate and I guess that’s what I get for thinking I guess I’ll start listening to the wind I listened today and it said “guess what the end” it was too sudden way to soon but it was gone and I was wrong this was it that’s right my thoughts went black my vision blurry my heart torn my love to you sworn he mended wounds and countered curses I thought you were my angel from above then he came and proved you were from hell he held me he shed the darkness from around me there was warmth where there used to be coldness light were I only knew your dark stare your cold black eyes replaced by soft brown eyes your hard hands replaced with soft ones to hold and comfort me when I think of you the clouds grow black your near a cold wind blows my fear returns I feel his arms around me tense I feel his heart stop what have you done what did you do why have you returned to hurt me again I don’t need you my life is perfect I jolt bringing me out of my dream your hand falls across my face slowly but surely the sting stuns me the fist now I taste blood I need to get away somebody help me I screamed you grip me tighter your hands close in on my neck my breaths grow shorter you grips tightens I gasp my eyes close you let a tear slip down your face your not sad I know so why cry have I hurt you my last thought was this why do I love you if you killed me.


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