Comments : Dedicated to Andy.

  • 18 years ago

    by HansRik

    What a wonderful and heartfelt poem. This is really a great work. A friend of mine also committed suicide and I felt the same guilt that you feel at the moment. Eventually, this will pass, and you will understand that you could not have avoided it. Anyways, as to the poem, it is wonderfully written with a diction that helps to emphasise the emotion. Well done.

  • 18 years ago

    by amelia

    Hey this is a nice but very sad poem...5/5
    i know how your feeling cuz thats how my friends are going to be feeling bout me real soon : (

  • 18 years ago

    by katie!

    Spoken from your heart which was wonderful, you conveyed your emotions very well and the entire poem radiated sadness and grief, It will not fade away for a long time, but in time the grief will lessen and heal slightly, right now for you the wound is still fresh, at first you will feel odd and numb then the grief will sink in, stay strong, I am so sorry for your loss, I can only imagine the terrible pain you are going through, never feel guilty, for it was not your fault, remember the good times you had with him, I wish you the best possible for the future, loely heartfelt poem

    Take care of yourself and stay strong..


  • 18 years ago

    by kittykat0232

    Im sorry!!!!! i dont no how 2 cheer u up but all i can say is im srry and i no its hard 2 admit but its a reality dat sucks trust me ive been there! im srry bye!!!

  • 18 years ago

    by Britney

    Wow.. very intense! I'm sorry to hear about your friend. I'm sure he is still watching over you now though.. i hope you have the strength to get over that horrible event and I wihs you the best of luck. About a month or 2 ago I recently lost a friend also. we were very close and there is a void in my life that will never be felt. I know the pain you are going through. Best of luck xox. Very sadening poem but a good hardy 5/5~ your in my prayers. ~

  • 18 years ago

    by LyricalFlow

    First of all sorry, Great poem. U couldn't have wrote it better, feel so???? i cant even explain how i feel its shocking. U wrote it briallantly. Its not your fauld you know, never say it is. Jsut try kep you head up and as the days go by the pain will dye down.

  • 18 years ago

    by Gesselle Valle

    Your poem's really good, and I'm sorry that you're going through this. Sometimes is better cry so you can let out all the pain that you feel inside, and don't think abou tit as if he was gone...he will never be gone as long as you keep him in your heart. Always take care and head up.

  • 18 years ago

    by Katlynn

    :( very sad poem. i'm so so sorry i give you all my love and luck. xoxoxox also this was a wonderful poem you have wroten i hope everything will be okay. keep on writing. love always and forever.

  • 17 years ago

    by MudkipzPlx

    Awh, We are sorry. Be happy..We Love you.

    Love MKKA!

  • 17 years ago

    by goddess-glamourpuss

    This poem is so sad. It radiates pain, grief and guilt. It is always difficult to accept that someone chooses to end their life - even when you know it is probably going to happen.
    A heartfelt poignant write.

  • 17 years ago

    by Jacob

    Very sad, I'm very sorry. I hope you keep writing, because this was a very heartfelt poem. 5/5.

  • 17 years ago

    by awww

    So sad... i wish you can overcome this ordeal... the weight of the world may not be on your shoulders but the weight of your bestfriends life is too much to handle... because your bestfriend may mean more than the world to you... keep writing, love the poem!
