Love lies

by sarah   Oct 12, 2005

She knows he doesn\\\'t love her.
she knows he doesn\\\'t care.
she knows her life\\\'s not worth living,
now that he wont be there.
she thinks about his last few words.
\\\"i think we need a break\\\"
for each word said she\\\'ll cut herself.
and her life she\\\'ll try and take.
she\\\'ll think about the happy times,
when she never cried.
and then she writes on some paper...
\\\"its your fault i died\\\"
she cuts herself again,
she cant take this pain no more.
blood and tears mixed together,
slowly hit the floor.
its her last few hours alive
so she tells him goodbye.
and then he pretends to care,
and makes up some big lie.
remember the \\\"happy\\\" times he\\\'d say,
she\\\'d say there in the past.
she\\\'d tell him to move on.
and he says he wants them to last.
she stupidly forgives him,
believes what he says is true.
he told her that he loved her,
she said i love u to.
he makes out that he wants her,
and still stays her boyfriend,
but she now knows he only said it,
so her life would not end.
she wanted to end it all,,
she was going to take her life that night.
but he made up all these lies,
to make everything feel rite.
everything seemed perfect,
but then she finally opened her eyes,
she realized all he said,
was just a bunch of stupid lies.
his life is getting better,
and she really wants a part,
but she wants him to be happy,
so she\\\'ll break her own heart.
she really doesn\\\'t wanna do it,
but she\\\'d do anything to make him smile,
even tho she No\\\'s she\\\'ll cry,
and will be depressed for quite a wile.
she putting his happiness before her own,
thats Wat TRUE LOVE makes u do,
but no matter what happens she says,..
ill always love u.


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