I will be there..

by katie!   Oct 14, 2005

My dearest, Every hour spent with you is amazing
Each day that floods by is so precious to me
I love you, my one, from the depths of this soul
Forever I will say it, forever it shall be

To see your hurt so elegant, across your beautiful arms
From agonies old, a habit incredibly hard to halt
Do not blame yourself, nor apoligise my dear
For what has happened is in the past, you are not at fault

My pledges remain as they did six months ago
I will be here to lighten the dark, show the way
I cannot take your burden, But I can hold you above it
Be there beside you to hold your hand every day

Your smile is so tender, your beautiful eyes
To see you smile gives me breath and release from pain
One day things will improve, and your happiness will shine
I wish you could see sunshine when there is naught but rain

How I long to lie next to you, and feel your heart beat beneath me
To while away the nightime with your body close to mine
Wipe away your tears, to meld my strengths into you
Stopping everything but magic beneath the golden wings of time

I am nowhere near perfect, I have so much to learn
But I love you, I am devoted to you, with every part of my soul
I found laughter and happiness with you my love
I found the missing piece of me, the part to make me whole

I cannot live with myself for putting you through pain
If I could take it back, I would without hesitation
If I could take away the worry and sadness I gave you, I would
I long to be there with you, and stop any mutilation

I love you, with every minute that trickles by
As days sweep beneath the moonlight I love you
As each blade of grass adores the morning dew
I love you, with every breath inside me, I love you

So darling, I love you, as the sun adores the moon
Throughout I will hold you, to shield you from harm
I hope you shall see this, my dearest love
I am here, forever, to stop the cold cut of self harm


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Latest Comments

  • 18 years ago

    by Robert Gardiner

    Wonderful poem of love, lovely!!!

  • 18 years ago

    by x Saiya

    Oh and by the way this is forever Saiya, just a new name

  • 18 years ago

    by x Saiya

    Wonderfully amazing! It was just beautiful, Katie, great job. 5/5


  • This is sooo beautiful...not a lot of ppl write quite like u...very good...

  • 18 years ago

    by Tiny Reader

    Very emotional poem.
    'I cannot take your burden, But I can hold you above it'
    I loved this line.
    The poem doesn't have the best rhythm, but this doesn't seem to matter. The emotion and care is the most important part of this. And overall it is well written.