My Dear Friend Katie

by quick&painless   Oct 14, 2005

I look into
her tired eyes
and I know it's time
to say my goodbyes.

Her breathing is shallow,
I can see her struggle.
the rapid beeping on the machine
can only mean trouble.

As I stand by her side,
and try not to cry,
I can't help but ask,
Why her God, why?

She was always the strong one,
the one with no fears.
She was always there,
to wipe away our tears.

I never saw her weep,
she never showed her pain.
Never until now,
were at her death bed she is lain.

Being kept alive by machines,
dying before my eyes,
I never thought I would be standing here,
watching as she dies.

She takes a sharp breath,
and reaches out her shaky hands,
fighting back tears in her eyes,
I see she finally understands.

She understands her fate,
from this deadly disease,
at only fourteen,
the end, she now sees.

It kills me to see her
acting like this,
she had always been so strong,
and will be so missed.

She closes her eyes,
a tear rolling down her face.
"Mandy, I'm scared"
she says with disgrace.

The first time anyone
had ever heard her admit it,
after all these years of suffering,
she had finally said it.

I cannot say goodbye,
It's too too hard to believe.
I don't understand,
why my best friend has to leave.

she has to make it,
I know she can.
it's not like her to give up,
but I guess I have to move on...

I love you Katie.


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