
by KrIsTi LeE   Oct 16, 2005

I am a little girl and my daddy is like my world,even though he does drugs,even though he drinks beer,
just remember daddy i an always here,they all tell me you are no good,your trash, and your bad,they they will never understand thats why i am always sad,do they not notice that i am just a kid,
they tell me to talk to you, but i already did,and all it did was hurt me more,daddy why did have to start this, you didn\'t do it before daddy i still love you and i always will,i seen you do a lot of stuff even OD on your pills,i don\'t understand most of the stuff you do,because it could cause your life to quickly be through,you make it seem so hard to quit the drugs and beer,it wouldn\'t be so hard if you knew what your kids hear,we hear ting that the old you would never do,my life would be easier if these are things i never knew,daddy i guess my feeling you will never see,as long as the drugs are more important than me.


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